When starting a new way of record keeping (especially in Counselling where records are just so important) there is always a certain amount of trepidation – made more so by my having to convince my colleague that this program was the way to go………
This trepidation was greatly lessened by the response and support we received from Donald along the way. At times I felt quite sorry for him as within the first few months we had laptop upgrades (which meant re-install of the program and its settings), network issues with Drive allocation, and the usual teething troubles that plague any new system with inexperienced operators. Donald was a great support all along the way, often going above and beyond to get us back in business – and it wasn’t just a case of ‘Do this , now do that.’ Donald got on the system remotely and sorted the issues out, usually with same day service.
As for the program itself, it does what we want it to and when we had a few ideas of how to improve it and adapt it to our situation Donald was only too happy to incorporate them into it and update the program. My colleague and I operate in a college of 1250 students with an age range of 10-18years and this new system has enabled us to streamline our process, collect useful data that allows us to better target the prevention programs we run, and drag ourselves into the 21st century! Adrian Hellwig, College Counsellor